The first Jewish families settled down along the banks of the Mures river during the XVII century. In the next century, Targu Mures had the second biggest Jewish community in Transilvania, after the one of Alba Iulia. The first communities were established in Nazna and Sancraiu de     details...

The status of Jews - the status of the Romanian Jewish people Legislative Decree 9 August 1940 continue


The Mayor's Report of Targu Mures Royal City administration of the first half of 1909 continue


Statutes of Chevra Kadischa of the Orthodox Jewish community Târgu-Mureş 1928 - continue


Statutes of Chevra Kadischa of the Orthodox Jewish community Marosvásárhely 1928 continue


Statutes of the Orthodox Jewish community Marosvásárhely 1922 continue

